What Our Clients and Colleagues Are Saying...
One of the best parts of being in the inspection business is the opportunity to build relationships with some diverse and interesting people. We're thankful to the great folks we've met through the years, whether they have trained with us, been suppliers, or were just interested friends and colleagues that have encouraged us along the way. We're especially grateful to those felt compelled to say some nice things about our efforts. Let us share a few samples with you.

"Nondestructive training has always been my focus..."
"...but getting that training delivered to those who need it the most has always been a challenge.
"NDT Training Center has produced an effective “on-line” system for convenient delivery of quality Distance Learning. The courses are based on the General Dynamics’ Programmed Instruction Handbook series, a proven system that I have used for many years. The presentation of the material is conducive to learning and retaining the important information needed by those of us who are in, or associated with the profession of nondestructive testing."
George Pherigo
President, PH Diversified

"Anytime Training"
“Online training definitely has a place in our industry. ‘Anytime Training,’ as I call it, allows for efficient use of an inspector's time, great access to information, and a cost effective use of company dollars.”
Kelly Jones
Manager, Pro-Inspect

"Who has time to take off work to do refresher training?"
"I don’t, but I still need to get the training to maintain my FAA certifications. NDT Training Center offers online training courses in several areas of Nondestructive Testing that I need. The on-line approach provides a convenient and flexible option that allows me to get the refresher training needed for license renewal, without having to sacrifice the work time required to meet client expectations for timely service for their aircraft."
Wally Warren
President, Rogers NDT, Inc.

"We are training our inspectors more thoroughly..."
“...and administering their Level II Qualification Tests in an efficient, money saving manner. We're proud of ourselves and really happy with what the NDT Training Center is helping us accomplish. We're developing into a significant inspection company that's making a positive impact in the areas we serve.”
David Ezzell
Midwest Inspection Services
"After being a pipefitter and welder all my life (I'm 42), I just thought I knew the world of NDT, but after having to make career change, I found that there was a lot more."
"Not really knowing what to expect upon entering the field of NDT, I was welcomed to the NDT Training Center as part of "the family." After 6 months and taking all the classes that were available, I was more than ready to start my new career with the knowledge and everyday information I needed to hit the field running. The training I received there more than exceeded my expectations.
The people at the training center are very professional in delivering that information and prepared me in every way for a new career in NDT. Even though the classes were tough and challenging, Paul and John were there to help me along the way with any question I might have. I can remember during my UT II class while working on math questions, Paul saying that he could, "hear the cattle calls come from my brain." But this is, in fact, what I am talking about: after taking the extra time to help me work thru difficult spots or a problem area, it was like a light bulb going off when it ALL clicked into place. I can say for sure that Paul and John have opened new doors for me. I know I have not one, but TWO mentors, as well as friends that I can call on anytime for guidance."
Chuck Hall
NDT Technician, Houston, Texas
"With higher levels of confidence and new insight in NDT, we will improve our overall program, saving time, money and lives for the US Army."
"I would like to thank you for the outstanding training you have given us this past week. I have spoken to all my mechanics that were involved in the training and they all feel like they have refined their skill in NDT. With higher levels of confidence and new insight in NDT, we will improve our overall program, saving money and time for the US Army.
This training is part of our commitment to our Soldiers/Troops to provide them the highest quality product possible (even ultimately saving a U.S serviceman’s life!). By this I mean that when we produce a quality engine or other drive train component to issue to our Soldiers and they install it in one of their vehicles, they can have confidence that the engines produced at Ft. Hood Texas will deliver them the power to perform their combat mission, no matter what it is, and live through the incident. If you haven’t in the past, you can say with pride that you are a part of the endeavor to protect and provide our servicemen, our nation’s young men and women, with the best equipment possible. I am happy that you and NDT Training Center are now associated with us and look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship."
Anthony Smith
Director Of Logistics, Maintenance Division, Component Repair,
Ft. Hood, Texas